Tuesday 16 August 2011

Day 3 - Movies, manga and mild obsession with Naruto?

Well, what do I have to say? Movies are an inspiration. I may be the only one but the movies I watch tend to take me to another place and always gives me the will to never give up, well, just yet... Besides, movies are meant to give you some sort of influence, isn't it? Even if it's supposed to make you pass out, cry in joy or provoke all types of thoughts, there is a reason to why it is made. Ah, here I am, going off on one but movies are truly amazing, this may seem like I have no life as movies are important in my life but they are one of those things that everyone can feel something towards, whether this be good or bad.

Obviously, movies aren't the only things that amazes me... MANGA AND ANIME! That's pretty much one of the things that never lets me down, I always have to smile by the mention of this although it's not entirely everyone's cup of tea ( I like green and fruit tea ^_^) so it's understandable that it's not considered a huge development in the world. Yet, it's one of those things that has been in my childhood, I'm sure everyone remembers Pokemon. That's still going on today so many generations will grow up with this! Even though I don't watch too much of it now, it was there in my memories and nothing is going to erase that (apart from possible memory loss? No time for jokes I guess...).

However, Naruto has got to be one of the best. Both manga and anime are interesting and those sad scenes with Naruto himself make me teary, well, no tears fall but they are formed, heh. This has got to be the one thing that motivates me to never give up, shows that things may not be fair but it's worth it to keep on going. *sigh* Here I am preaching the wonders of Naruto so it seems like I am the weird type to be influenced by these things... but, I am and I can't deny that it makes me overzealous! Although, Naruto isn't considered the best to everyone, (I know this since I've seen lots of different types of animes and read awesome manga) it's the best to me. Aha, now that screamed corny but it's true, it makes me emotional, not tears that drown the world (as you would know) but small smiles at my wonderful screen.

Anyways, this has been different compared to my last two posts as it was about me obsesses about Naruto but I had to have a blog about this! It wouldn't be the same without it as chapter 551 is coming out tomorrow, wooh! Sorry for any inconvenience to you if you expected deep things, maybe tomorrow? Bye for now.


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