Thursday 18 August 2011

Day 5 - Dream like nightmare?

Key: Italics - My thoughts now! (Extremely important in the future!)
        Bold - The thoughts in my dream (Not so important in the future)

I just remembered that I had an insane dream today, well technically yesterday since it's quite late, anyways, I will tell you about it. I had recently transferred schools, this would mean that it was a new country, new people and new rules. Sure, I assume this must have been America as everyone kept on talking about a mall opening, (sorry if there is malls in other countries) I was utterly confused. Then I realised that I was correct... It was included in the name of the school, I was in California. What an idiot to not realise that! Despite being in America, I couldn't help but feel like the school was influenced by the Japanese, the layout of the classrooms, dress code and culture. Everything was beautiful.

The lessons weren't the same either. I had to do flower arrangements, play chess and use ink for all paintings. Sorry for the stereotypical dream, even though chess isn't really subdued to Japan, regardless, of this, I have used ink in my art. It was peaceful up until a point where students started to stare aimlessly at me, like I didn't belong. I know I didn't but I wanted to stay so I tried to blend into the crowd: straighten my hair, wear dull colours, even eat in isolated places, yet all this seemed useless. No one noticed my attempts to become another face in the crowd, I was still the intruder in this school even when there was a new student yet to arrive.

After that new boy entered, the students suddenly took an interest in him. Although it was relieving to get the attention away from me, there was a thought back in my mind which envied him. Was it only me that this happened to? I thought. The only thought which was permanently engraved in my mind ever since his first day....

Then I woke up! Sorry for the sad dream, lack of descriptions, bad sentence structures and lack of knowledge to use interesting words! I guess this is pretty much me, I understand it yet no one else does but I hope that my dream wasn't too hard to understand! The pessimistic attitude surfaces yet again...

I need to tell you that I can't update tomorrow since I have to go to my grandma's house, hehe. Yes, I am not ditching the blog now and I will make up for the unwritten blog that doesn't get done! If I manage to post a blog then great! If not, the same amount of blogs will be posted. Bye for now!


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